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Dagoth Crave

"How can you fuck a god? What a grand and intoxicating innocence! "~ u/LateStageInfernalism This script is from u/Nuclearthrowaway99 who said the following in the original offer " This is the most self-indulgent pile of dross I've ever put out. 0/10 unfillable. Normally when I write these things it's for a combination of "I wanna get this off my chest", "I think this might be a neat idea or challenging idea to explore as a performer" and "I think it's possible that someone listening to or reading this might get squirmy or at least giggle a little at this" reasons. So like a thoroughly mutated Where's Wally/Waldo spotting checklist, we have references to: ○ The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its expansions ○ A fan-made synthwave song based on Morrowind called Dagothwave ○ A comment from the comment section in the original Youtube upload of that song ○ The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall ○ A fan-made electro-pop song based on The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion called Star ○ The Phantom Of The Opera... for some fucking reason ○ A song by Blonde Redhead. And to cap it off, the voice is supposed to be Dagoth Ur who has a weird deep voice and yeh. Its um a shitshow." +++++++ I took this as a artistic challenge to attempt even though its a bizarre script based on a weird youtube fan song and The Phantom of the Opera. Warning I am a terrible singer even as Dagoth!

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