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Naptime In Big Arms (College Stress and Comfort)

You come home after a big study day at college working on a group project, and your partner is still working on their laptop as you fall asleep next to them. You wake up in bed being cuddled by your partner after you hear them humming a song, and they ask you about your progress at school. Your partner supports, reassures, and praises you for all your hard work and how amazing you are, and insists you need a break. You go off to sleep with a kiss on the forehead and the promise of a homemade dinner a little later. - - - - - - - - [F4M][F4A][Script Fill] Naptime in Big Arms [SFW][Praises][Established Relationship][Anxious, Stressed, Sleepy Listener][Caring Speaker][Group Project Comfort][Self Confidence Boost][Tame Kissing][Light Banter][Humming][ASMR?][14 min]

VA: mylostduck - - Script by u/SweetChilliVA - - - - posted at r/pillowtalkaudio at 👍 https://www.reddit.com/r/pillowtalkaudio/comments/yxrq7p/f4mf4ascript_fill_naptime_in_big_arms/ 👍 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
image by https://pixabay.com/users/sweetlouise-3967705/ - - - Sound Effects from pixabay.com, freesound.org, and/or fesliyanstudios.com

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