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Your English Boyfriend Won't Let You Cry Alone

Written and Recorded for GWA by u/GEDAudio --- Sadness and Crying is so often seen as a "Bad Thing". We are told not to cry, told to cheer up, and if you're British in particular to keep a stiff upper lip. I wanted to make an audio that really addressed that and offered some proper catharsis at the same time. This is possibly the softest audio I've ever done (and if you're familiar with my work, you'll know thats saying something!) I really hope you enjoy it darling, and it is of some help to you. Scenario: You've been going through a rough time recently, as have I for that matter, when I come into the living room and find you crying, I can't help but well up myself. Audio: "There's nothing wrong with Crying..." Love and Lost Pens, GED xxx --- If you enjoyed this audio, please let me know in the comments below or if you prefer through my Anonymous Feedback Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScEZWIfzppZgjh4kox-EyMGfRuyfjDQjvkfROZpJuTdCGFM2w/viewform

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