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[F4M] Your Best Friend Takes Care of You on a Trip!

OC my note: I wanted to do something vanilla and GFE. I was told to slow down my pace to make it easier to understand me. I added the music, cuz thatโ€™s what I was listening to, to keep a slower pace.๐Ÿ’ž OC my note: I stumbled upon u/lost_at_night1โ€™s amazing first script. I love all his scripts but this one seemed within my acting range. Thank you so much for writing such a wholesome script, it was a real pleasure to fill it ๐Ÿ’ž

OC authors note: After finding this sub a few months back and with me struggling to write my book, I decided maybe a change in genre would be really good, and well, here we are.


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