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[F4F] Shark Week [Script Fill]

You (listener) are on your period and understandably feeling a bit gross. However, your girlfriend wants to fuck, and even though you give her every excuse in the book, you’re tired, you have cramps, you feel gross, she’s still pushing for it. Even after you give her what you thought was a foolproof excuse, you have a tampon in and don’t want to take it out because things might get messy, she reminds you that your other hole is completely free.

https://scriptbin.works/u/ellamachine/f4f-f4f-shark-week-rape-dubcon-because-coercion || script: u/ellamachine || fill: @arsenicx6 || editing: @_Foxy_Jay_ || nothing condoned irl, by adults for adults || -Lucia

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