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Hatefucking Your Stalker Ex-Girlfriend on Valentine’s Day

You’ve been talking to a girl for a couple weeks now and you’ve decided to have your first date on Valentine’s Day. However, while you are sitting in the restaurant waiting for your date, your ex-girlfriend approaches you. Apparently she’s been stalking you and knew you’d be here for your date so she made sure she got here before that other girl. You broke up because she was clingy to the point where you couldn’t say or do anything without her knowing despite never giving her a reason to doubt your loyalty. Since you are in a public place, you are trying your best to hold back your anger but she just won’t go away. She practically begs you to come to the bathroom with her to show you what you’ve been missing, but you have other plans. Don’t worry, she won’t mind. In fact, this is exactly what she wanted.

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