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I want to watch

I can have anything I want. You are mine to do with as I please. I can fuck you, bind you, tease you, punish you, humiliate you, and use you in any way I see fit. But tonight, I don't want to do any of those things. Tonight, I want to watch.

This script is by the amazingly talented u/TeasedToTears

[Link here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GWNarrative/comments/uijvl9/m4f_script_offertonight_i_want_to/)

Disclaimer: This is a fantasy audio written and recorded by adults over 18 for adults over 18. It is a work of fiction and does not condone or promote harm to others in any way. Do not host, use, fill, or adapt my work for commercial use. Do not post or re-host my work or any others’ without express consent of the artist(s) involved.

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