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The Art of Seduction  :   Amory Blaine  Welcomes you to a 1920s Party

Your gracious host, Amory Blaine, welcomes you to his Chateau for a week of Hedonistic pleasure. "You want to know the secrets of seduction? Information is a valuable asset , my friend , I find out what people want...and I give it to them. For a price...there is always a price. No, I'm not going to charge you for an entry ticket! Maybe one day, I might ask you for a little favour, nothing much. After all, favours between friends are only good manners. But don't concern yourself with that now. You look a little overwhelmed? Wander around for a bit. Have a drink, or any of the delights you see on the tables. Perhaps you'd like to stroll around the garden? Sample the goodies on display before you make your choice? The party often spills outside. Moonlight and music can be a powerful aphrodisiac in the right hands. Some people never want to go home! This place can be quite seductive. What? Am I trying to seduce you? The question should be , "Do you want to be seduced?" Think carefully before you answer. In this place , people too often get what they wish for..."

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