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Your Guardian Angel Helps You Through The Darkness

I'm so happy to finally be releasing this. I've had the idea of a Guardian Angel audio in my head for a very long time - having been originally helped through a very bad time through a similar (SFW) audio. This audio is dedicated to u/SweetWhispersAudio who's audio helped me through a very dark place long before I discovered Reddit and GWA. This is designed to be enjoyed by anyone but is aimed particularly at you if your finding yourself going through a bit of a rough time right now. I'm bringing this out in January because for many of us in the Northern Hemisphere it is a particularly difficult month. Whoever you are know you are wonderful, you are valid, and you WILL overcome this. xxx Scenario: You aren't in the best of places right now. So much so that your Guardian Angel has applied to help you with a tiny bit of divine intervention. Unfortunately this is his first time, and he's a bit awkward... Audio here: "Have you ever heard of The Ecstasy Of St. Helena" Love and Feathers, Ged xxx --- If you enjoyed this audio, please let me know in the comments below or if you prefer through my Anonymous Feedback Form: https://forms.gle/VikBV8ZhBrZCb8Td8

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